Who are

omar martin & john thornhill

John Thornhill and Omar Martin are highly accomplished internet marketers with a shared passion for helping individuals achieve remarkable success in the online business world. With their extensive experience and unwavering dedication, they have empowered numerous entrepreneurs to attain financial freedom and build thriving internet-based businesses.

Since 2006, John Thornhill has been instrumental in guiding more than 3,000 aspiring entrepreneurs to launch or scale their online ventures. John specializes in providing expert guidance and support to individuals who may not consider themselves experts in the field and may be unsure of where to begin.

Omar Martin, a highly respected figure in the internet marketing industry, has been at the forefront of helping entrepreneurs create successful online businesses since 2009. With a deep understanding of the ever-evolving dynamics of the "Direct to Consumer" internet marketing niche, Omar excels at identifying market disruptions and developing profitable solutions. Through tailored mentoring, strategic planning, and "Done For You" packages, Omar empowers his clients to overcome the challenges of launching a startup or revitalizing an established business.

Together, John Thornhill and Omar Martin have hosted a multitude of impactful training programs, webinars, and mentoring sessions, benefiting countless individuals seeking to learn about and capitalize on online money-making opportunities. Their comprehensive knowledge and personalized attention have consistently yielded exceptional results, enabling their clients to achieve financial independence and lead fulfilling lifestyles.

If you are ready to embark on a transformative journey towards online success, John Thornhill and Omar Martin are here to guide you every step of the way.

I'm here to guide you.

Sometimes we all get lost and just need a helping hand to point us in the right direction.

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Get clarity of mind

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Sort out your

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A proven system that works (here's the proof!)


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Kenneth Williams


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Betty Adams


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Michelle Gonzalez


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Kenneth Thomas

"I would love to show you what services I offer"

Dale Shipton


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8 ways to be your best

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"I wrote this guide just for you. YES YOU!"

Dale Shipton

Articles from the blog

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10 ways to improve

Platea intege minim sagitt venena semper vulput tempor evenie vertis lectus portti laoret proina ipsume lacusa dolors.

choose your image

Fix this one issue first

Venena vulput dolors portti lacusa tempor vertis semper lectus sagitt minim platea laoret ipsume evenie proina intege.

choose your image

Find joy in the little things

Lectus lacusa venena ipsume intege platea evenie vulput dolors semper tempor laoret portti minim proina vertis sagitt.

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